Pre-iso I didn’t really have a morning routine. each day always started so differently so it was difficult to stick to a daily routine, but since I am mostly just at home these days a ‘morning routine’ has sort of naturally formed.
You guys often ask me about my morning routine on IG so I thought I’d share a more detailed version with you here :)
7-7.30AM - wake up
I don’t usually set an alarm, I am not a big sleeper naturally (in fact I have suffered with insomnia all my life) so I naturally just wake up around this time, sometimes a bit earlier sometimes a bit later (especially if I’ve had a particularly bad sleep)
7.30-8AM - Have coffee, drink 2 glasses of water and take vitamins
I usually have black coffee with a dash of almond/oat milk and coconut sugar when I am at home. I’ll often add lemon to my water but not every day - just when I feel like it.
Vitamins I take are zinc, vitamin C and magnesium.
8AM - 9AM - Eat some fruit, catch up on emails, DMs on IG, respond to comments
A lot of my day is spent in front of a screen (computer/phone), especially since being in iso, so I really try to not spend too much time on my phone in the AM and instead just do what I need to do and get off
9AM - 10.30AM - exercise and errands (often do both at the same time aka will walk to the post office/supermarket etc.)
For exercise, I like to walk the most - I find it relaxing and a good opportunity to listen to my favourite podcasts, enjoy nature, be in my own thoughts etc. I don’t really enjoy running so much but I might do a little run during the walk here and there. Recently I have been doing some at home workouts to try and move my body more as besides walking in the morning I am just at home the rest of the day and my movement is pretty minimal. I just go on youtube and follow along to some of the workouts there - I like Chloe Ting or MadFit.
10.30AM - 11AM - Have breakfast/brunch
I don’t really find I am that hungry before around 11AM so typically eat my first proper meal around this time. I like the idea of intermittent fasting but for me personally, can’t exercise/concentrate on anything without coffee and fruit in the morning, so I guess this is sort of my own take on 16:8 intermittent fasting that works for me! I try and avoid eating after around 7PM at night as I want to give my body as much time as possible to digest the food I’ve eaten during the day before I go to sleep. I have an incredibly sensitive stomach and thus unfortunately have had a lot of tummy issues in the past, so I am constantly trying to do everything I can to avoid triggering my tummy in anyway possible!
11AM - plan the rest of the day and then get started!
I like to physically write down how I am going to spend each hour of my day as I find it really holds me accountable and helps me avoid procrastinating or going off task completely. I will even write down what time I intend to relax/read/clean etc. i have an overactive mind and although not always the worst thing as it keeps me super busy/usually productive, it does mean I can get sidetracked really easily, so find writing down all my tasks for the day has really helped with this.
I find morning routines so fascinating and would love to hear what yours is! Share it with me below or DM me on IG :)